

The blog is an extremely useful tool in L2 lessons. This innovative resource offers a wide range of possibilities:
  1. A tool which is interesting in establishing communication among students, between the group and the teacher and between the group and other communities.
  2. A motivating device which opens a world of opportunities to L2 learners in achieving knowledge, information, activities, resources, etc.
  3. Each single unit in the course can be included in the blog to work diverse areas (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, literature…) through different activities.
  4. Blogs can be used to practice the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking).
Moreover, blogs process information following a structured order, and this fact helps students to have their work organized. They know all the work needed to pass the subject even though they do not assist to the lesson, and teachers are also aware of who works in the blog by asking them to answer in there or in their own blog.
Finally, blogs are not only useful in learning a second language but also in developing students’ abilities and competences (for example, Communicative competence, Digital competence, Learning to learn competence, Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship competence, etc.).
If I had to choose one resource from the amount studied, I would prefer using Edmodo in my own classroom because I think it is the most suitable resource for L2 students and I am sure they would like it (because it resembles to the social network Facebook). 
Furthermore, I consider Wordle and Voki to be incredibly helpful in L2 lessons. I have tried Voki with one student and the results are fascinating: he enjoyed talking in English to record his own voice. At the same time, Wordle is amazing in working with vocabulary and students like “playing” with words.
And other great Web Site is It allows teachers to create educative games, quizzes, activities, and more. It is free and really useful.

In conclusion, The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has meant a significant progress in the education paradigm. Learning how to turn computers, new tablets, iPods, Internet and more new resources to teachers’ advantage means to exploit the resources at their disposal in favour of their students. And the reason is that these new technologies are surrounding them and it is quite possible that they will be necessary in their future life. An efficient use of these tools to work the curriculum in the classroom, including the acquisition of competences and abilities, foster the students’ potential for knowledge acquisition in relation to second languages. Students are opened to a new world of information and knowledge.
Moreover, the role of the teacher is essential in this issue. They must seek the most suitable means and establish the teaching strategies appropriate with their students. Teachers must remember that all formats are not useful for secondary education students and his/her role is to check the great amount of information students find in Internet.

Thank you teacher for showing us this new and practical tool that, for sure, I am going to use  in my lessons!

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